Blog: Senior Tips

The Best Ways You Can Stimulate Your Brain

As we age, our bodies undergo many physical changes. Many of these, like changes in hair color or wrinkles, are easy to notice. Others, like the changes our brains experience, are a little less obvious but can have a noticeable impact. Changes in the brain that come with age can be responsible for anything from…

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Why You Need to Get a Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy. If that word gives you a funny feeling in the pit of your stomach, you’re not alone.  A feeling of dread for both the preparation and the procedure itself, causes many people to put off a colonoscopy. In general, it’s recommended that anyone over the age of 50 should schedule their first colonoscopy. However,…

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What You Need to Know to Take Care of Your Eyes

If you’re starting to feel like your arms aren’t long enough when you’re trying to read a good book, or if you find yourself struggling to focus when someone shows you a picture of their new grandbaby, you’re not alone. Aging brings many changes, and some of them affect our vision. While some conditions that…

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Easy and Fun Recipes to Enjoy Your Summer

With the end of August fast approaching, many people don’t want to spend their time indoors cooking over a hot stove. When it’s cold outside, working in a kitchen can be cozy. However, with warmer weather here, priorities change. Activities like gardening, visiting family, or going to the beach have your full attention. And no one…

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How to Choose Clothing That is Easy on Aging Bodies

Aging comes with many ups and downs. On the one hand, you’ve gained decades worth of experience, wisdom, and memories. But on the other hand, you may find that many things that you used to do without a second thought are becoming increasingly challenging. Many health conditions associated with aging cause challenges in certain areas…

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How to Choose a Safe Sunscreen This Summer

Whether they’re headed for the beach, grabbing their gardening tools, hitting the golf course, or relaxing on their porch, some people just can’t get enough of the sun. Being outside provides the chance to get some exercise, and many outdoor activities bring fulfillment and joy. There’s a downside to spending lots of time outside, though….

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