
6 Signs Your Parent Should Not Be Behind the Wheel

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they will have to stop driving because as we age, our eyesight diminishes, our reflexes start slowing down, and our ability to make quick decisions gradually reduces. As we all know, three of these are essential to driving safely. Knowing what signs to look for will help ensure that you get your aging parent off the road before they become a danger to themselves and to others.

The Davis Community’s nursing homes in Wilmington NC have the experience, the resources, and the compassion to treat your elderly loved one with grace and care. We understand how difficult it is for adult children to make the decision to move their parent into an assisted living center or nursing home. But in many cases, that decision starts becoming a reality whenever the parent is no longer capable of driving on their own. Here are six signs that will help you know when that time has come.

#1 – Your Parent Gets Lost Frequently

Most of our adult driving habits follow the same routes, regardless of whether we’re driving to work or to the market. As a result, one of the most tell-tale signs that it is time to take your parent’s keys away is when they start feeling as if they are lost when driving their usual routes or they actually get themselves lost.

#2 – Your Parent Has an Increase in Near-Misses

While it is not uncommon for a driver to experience a near-miss every now and then, they are rather rare occurrences. If your parent starts experiencing near misses more frequently or you find yourself gripping the dashboard every time you take a ride with them, then it may be time for them to get off the road before their near-miss becomes an accident.

#3 – Your Parent’s Reflexes are Diminishing

A driver needs to have relatively quick reflexes on today’s roadways and unfortunately, reflexes are one of the first things to go as we get older. But, reflexes do diminish gradually, so most people will still be able to drive safely for quite some time. If your parent’s reflexes have diminished to the point that it is affecting their driving, then it is time for them to hang up their keys.

#4 – Your Parent’s Car is Becoming Increasingly Damaged

If your parent’s car has more dings and dents every time you pay a visit, then their ability to drive and/or park is starting to suffer. Although they have missed being in a major accident to this point, the risk is getting higher that they will be involved in one in the near future.

#5 – Your Parent Suffers a Loss of Mobility

A driver needs to be able to turn around in order to make turns, back up, and perform other basic driving maneuvers. But, when an elderly driver starts experiencing physical limitations or a loss of mobility, then they can be a dangerous presence on the road.

#6 – Your Parent Starts Getting a Lot of Tickets

If you visit your parent only to find a pile of traffic tickets on their countertop, then it’s time to step in and get them off the road. Not only will the tickets cause their insurance rates to skyrocket but they may be driving recklessly to the point that something terrible could happen in the future if they aren’t taken off the road.

Davis Community Nursing Homes in Wilmington NC is Here For You

When you notice signs that your loved one should no longer be driving, you should also start looking for other signs that their ability to care for themselves may be starting to wane. For instance, look for signs such as their bills are not being handled properly, their home is not as clean as it usually is, or their hygiene is not as healthy as it should be. If you find that other areas of the their life are also starting to suffer, then it may be time that you started considering nursing homes in Wilmington NC.

If you think your loved one could benefit from moving into an assisted living community or a nursing home, then contact The Davis Community today at 910.686.7195 or simply complete and submit our online request form to learn more about our nursing homes in Wilmington NC. Also, visit our Facebook page to see updates and all of the fun activities we partake in at Davis each week!

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