
Independent Seniors – Should You Get an In-Home Cleaning Service?

Keeping a home clean and presentable can be challenging, even for seniors who are capable of living independently. Tasks that they used to do without a second thought may now leave them physically drained. Or they may find that limitations in mobility make it impossible to do what they used to.

No one wants to live in a dirty or cluttered home, and no one wants to allow a loved one to live that way. Thankfully there are options that can help seniors to continue living in a healthy, safe, clean environment. If you or a loved one are struggling to keep up with housekeeping, an in-home cleaning service may be the answer for you!

Why Get an In-Home Cleaning Service?

Safety and Health Issues

This is probably one of the most compelling reasons to get someone to help with cleaning. Housekeeping tasks, such as cleaning floors, changing bedding, or cleaning tubs and toilets become increasingly difficult and risky as we get older. Many of these jobs require you to bend, reach, lean over, or move things around. For seniors, especially those with mobility or balance issues, it’s all to easy to fall. According to the World Health Organization, 20-30% of seniors who fall experience moderate to severe injuries. This could easily result in a loss of independence. Hiring someone to help with regular cleaning tasks, or even just to come in once in a while to help with spring cleaning, can lessen the risk of sustaining an injury.

In addition to the potential hazards of cleaning itself, there are also health risks associated with falling behind on housekeeping. Lots of clutter laying around poses a tripping hazard. Excessive dust or dirt can aggravate allergies or other respiratory issues. Unclean surfaces frequently harbor harmful bacteria or viruses. Eating from dishes that haven’t been properly cleaned or consuming food that’s gone bad can make you sick. An untidy home can also attract pests like ants or roaches.

Social and Emotional Considerations

A dirty, cluttered house can feel gloomy and uninviting. Since seniors tend to spend a lot of time at home, a depressing environment can have an effect on their mood. It’s hard to stay positive if you’re feeling anxious or upset about disorderly surroundings.

Seniors who once prided themselves on keeping a tidy house may be reluctant to welcome visitors. This can contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

In addition to making the house more inviting and company-ready, the right cleaning service can be a source of companionship in itself. Many seniors find that they develop meaningful relationships with the ones who do their cleaning. In fact, they may look forward to the chance to visit and chat just as much as they enjoy the improvements to their living space.

More Time for Family

Family is a source of happiness for many seniors and their loved ones. However, if the kids feel compelled to spend most of their visit tidying up, everyone is missing out on time that could be spent doing more meaningful and enjoyable things. A cleaning service can free up time to spend just enjoying each other’s company rather than worrying about Mom and Dad’s living conditions.

Visit the Davis Community’s Assisted Living and SNF in Wilmington NC

If you or loved one are no longer capable of living a safe, independent lifestyle, then call the Davis Community today at 910.686.7195 or simply complete and submit our online information request form. We provide exceptional assisted living and skilled nursing services in Wilmington, NC with a strong and supportive environment where your loved one will feel welcomed and part of an active community. We are also pleased to now offer customized concierge home care services to independent seniors living in Landfall and at Cambridge Village. Get to know the difference today — schedule a visit to the Davis Community!

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