
Wilmington NC Memory Care: How to Move Your Loved One Into a Memory Care Facility

In a previous blog post, we discussed the signs and symptoms of memory loss and dementia in aging adults. ย To follow up on that post, we thought it wise to share our advice on how to take the next steps when it comes to moving a loved one into a Wilmington NC memory care assisted living center.

Understandably, making this decision can be difficult, and even sometimes traumatic, for the entire family. But, it is important to understand that while the transition may not be easy, research shows that those who suffer from dementia will experience improvements in both their behavior and their spirits when they are in the company of others with the same condition.

Getting a Parent to Agree to Memory Care

One of the greatest challenges of getting an aging parent into an assisted living center is getting them to agree to go because for many, it is a sign that they are losing their independence. This belief, coupled with the difficulties already produced by the onset of dementia, can make for a very argumentative and aggravated parent. If your loved one refuses to consider moving to an assisted care skilled nursing facility, then there are several things you can do to help make the transition not only easier, but possible.

Research Local Wilmington NC Memory Care Facilities

Take your time and thoroughly research local assisted living centers with skilled nursing and memory care to ensure that the center is somewhere your loved one will not only fit in, but actually like living in once they get used to the idea. Once you settle on a suitable match, you should gradually start introducing your parent to the facilities and the residents. You can do this by making arrangements for the two of you to visit the assisted living center for lunch. When making the arrangements, ask the staff to pair the two of you with a pair of residents who are friendly, outgoing, and really enjoy living in the community.

When the first visit is concluded, remind your parent of how nice everybody was and how they would make for some really good friends. Then, suggest paying another visit soon so they can spend some more time with their new friends.

As your parent gradually becomes more comfortable spending time at the assisted living center, you can eventually give them the “good news” that a nice room has been set aside for them so they can spend a few extra days with their friends.

When Your Parent Needs Memory Care Now

Not every scenario allows for such a gradual introduction to a memory care nursing home. In some cases, a parent needs to be moved in to a nursing home environment much quicker. In these types of cases, talk with the facility’s staff about their transition program. This program is designed to help your loved one adjust to life in the nursing home without your presence.

You may have to be creative in how you explain to your parent that they will be staying at the community. For some, telling their parent a loving lie helps. A loving lie is a story you tell your parent to get them into the nursing home, such as “I’m having you stay in this nice hotel for a few days while your home is being renovated.” As hard as it may be to tell your loved one a loving lie, remember that you are doing this for their own health and wellness and to tell them the truth could result in even greater hurt.

If you have any questions about Wilmington NC mental care or you would like more information about the Davis Community nursing homes with mental care facilities, please give us a call at 910-566-1200 today.

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