
Our Journey to Independent Living

#1 Don’t be a Sissy! My friend’s mother, Sissy, passed away several years ago.  She was much beloved, and many family memories were preserved in her home. It was full of love. It was also filled with a lifetime accumulation of furniture, artwork, collections, Christmas, with a full attic and garage… (you get the picture…and…

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Why More Seniors Are Picking Pickleball to Have Fun

Pickleball is more than just having fun. Nearly everyone has heard of pickleball, and it makes sense because it has often been called America’s fastest-growing sport. Interestingly, over half of avid players of this sport are over 55, and a third of players are over 65. So, what is compelling so many seniors to pick…

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Why Seniors are choosing retirement communities with Cottage Homes

Retirement Communities with Cottage Homes These days, there are more options than ever for senior and retirement living, and not all seniors have to choose a nursing home as their next residence. Many retirement communities, especially continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs), now offer independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and memory care living options….

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The Comfort and Convenience of One-Bedroom Homes for Seniors

As we age, our housing needs may change, and many seniors find themselves considering downsizing or moving into more suitable accommodations. One popular option for seniors is a one-bedroom home. While it may seem modest in size, there are numerous benefits to choosing a one-bedroom home that can greatly enhance the quality of life for…

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Senior falling down stairs

Tips for preventing falls in your home

A lot of older adults know that their environment can affect their health physically, but many may not realize that a comfortable and attractive home can also help reduce stress. In fact, home design and home safety can go hand-in-hand, especially when it comes to creating a senior-friendly space, to promote overall well-being as you…

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Map of Wilmington North Carolina

Retirement Homes in Wilmington NC

Retirement at The Davis Community in Wilmington, North Carolina offers a unique and special experience for its residents. Wilmington is a fantastic place to live due to its rich history and charm. The city offers a vibrant downtown area with a thriving arts and cultural scene, including galleries, theaters, and museums. Moreover, its proximity to…

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Things to do in Wilmington during summer

Arts in Wilmington – Summer To Do List

Don’t Miss These Summer Art Offerings in Wilmington, North Carolina In Wilmington, North Carolina, there are no shortage of places to enjoy art and entertainment for seniors! From the beautiful outdoors to the buildings steeped in history, there is something for everyone this summer in Wilmington! Discover New Art in Historic Venues Wilmington is home…

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55+ retirement community in north carolina

Volunteering is the perfect way for seniors to share their time

Spring is well underway, providing plenty of opportunities for active seniors to get outside, head off on road trips, and have some fun. As the weather gets warmer, members of The Davis Community here in Wilmington, NC have plenty of beachfront activities nearby. But there’s also so much more to do near our retirement community…

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Woman and dog going for walk

Active Retirement Lifestyle – Gardening and Yoga

Wellness and Retirement Go Hand In Hand in Wilmington It’s no secret that staying active can lead to healthy and happy retirement years. In fact, recent studies show that adding just 15 minutes a week of exercise each year can have a tremendous effect on slowing down the aging process. In Wilmington, North Carolina, there…

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Retiring in Wilmington NC picture of boardwalk

Apartment Homes Wilmington NC – Location, Location, Location

Apartment Homes, Wilmington NC – Choose 11 styles at The Residences Location, location, location. The first decision you make about retirement is likely to center around where you will spend these years. At The Davis Community, we know firsthand of all the things that beautiful Wilmington, North Carolina has to offer. From greenspace to city…

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